Monday, October 10, 2011

Exclusive interview: Lovesport

We're happy that we got to get to know the NY-based duo of Lovesport this summer. We could hear great music in only a few tracks and we believe these guys will hit it off, really really soon. The label that picks them up should be happy to get these talents in their roster. We're are also glad that we got the chance to get to know them a little better so our readers will get to know them better too.

Hello Lovesport! How are things over in NYC?
BEN: Getting colder, how's Sverige?

Sverige (Sweden) is starting to prepare for the long cold winter. But this summer we got the joy to get to know you guys and it was a great pleasure. You sent us your fine track "Chase" and it was pure love. How was the response from people when you got the track out?
BEN: The response was stronger than we expected. We sent it out as a shot in the dark but blogs like yours really helped propel it to people that we never though we would reach.

Since you are such a new act to our readers, who are you really? We know that you are Ben and Julian, living in NYC and that you are doing awesome music together, but we want to know more… 
JULIAN: Let's just keep it on a need to know basis. We gave you our pictures is that not enough? Just kidding, that wouldn't make for a good interview would it? Our favorite restaurant is Super Taste. If you want to find out what inspires us go try some of their hand pulled beef noodles.
BEN: Julian can't grow facial hair.
JULIAN: Ben is an asshole.

We have only heard two tracks by you so far, your own track "Chase" and the remix of Lo-Fi-Fnk's "Boom". But we can already hear your quality in your music. What kind of music do you get your inspiration from?
JULIAN: Other than authentic cheap chinese cuisine, we draw influence from all over. Every time we set out to make music we go through a ritual we call "inspiration information".
BEN: Yea, we are both a little different in our tastes and so we each bring songs to the table, new or old, that we are loving at the moment. We make a point to listen to them for a little while before we start working on anything to get the juices flowing.
JULIAN: It could range from Fleetwood Mac or New Edition to Holy Ghost! (especially when Michael McDonald sings backup) or the new Junior Boys.

Your remix of "Boom" was meant to be on Lo-Fi-Fnk's official release, and now it won't be. How come that happened to that great remix?
BEN: Well I am sure you guys understand the music business, dealing with a lot of artists. For reasons that we don't fully understand it didn't make it on the single despite the boys from Lo-Fi-Fnk loving it. So it goes...

But now you got your new remix for Hey Champ's "Too Hot" ready and you're giving it away exclusively here at Tracasseur. Tell us a little about the remix and how it was made?
BEN: I know Pete from the band and I asked to remix one of their tracks, so he sent us "Too Hot". As soon as we heard it, we knew it was going to be a challenge because we liked the original so much.
JULIAN: Yea, rather than try to up the energy of the track, we decided to slow it down to give it a new feel. Of course it wouldn't be complete without some cheesy DX7 electric piano.

Do you have any new tracks or projects in the pipeline?
BEN: Yes! We are finishing up a track we made in the chase sessions and another with our own vocals so stay tuned for that.

If an artist or band phoned you up and asked you to do a remix for their next release, who would you wanted that to be?
JULIAN: Jadakiss.
BEN: Flight Facilities. Love what they are doing.

How do you often produce your tracks, together in the studio or in some other way?
BEN: We always make them together. We are waiting for that awesome new technology that would allow us to make them via some sort telepathy but that hasn't been invented yet.
JULIAN: We actually tried collaborating the old fashioned way, over the internet, but it never had the same spark.

When we wrote about you back in July you were still unsigned, how is the status now then?
BEN: That has not changed.

What's next for you guys?
JULIAN: We are currently working on more vocal tracks. Trying to highlight a pop sensibility without losing our dance roots. Building a cohesive EP to shop around.

That's it for today guys, we thank you for the interview and of course for the exclusive track. Take care!
BEN: Thank You! Anything for you guys.
JULIAN: Almost anything...

Hey Champ - Too Hot (Lovesport Remix) (320 kbps)
[Tracasseur exclusive]


Anonymous said...

We should simply keep it updated as the need arises. We gave you our photos is that sufficiently not? Simply joking, that couldn't make for a decent meeting could it? Our #1 eatery is Super Taste. If you have any desire to figure out what rouses us go attempt a portion of their hand pulled hamburger noodles.
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