For their third club night they have really hit the jackpot, eventhough I guess it's been down to hard work rather than luck, with the bookings of two excellent British acts in Fear of Tigers and Edwin Van Cleef. Both of them are among our true favourites and we've written about them both (see FoT here EVC here).
We'll send a reporter/spy/party delegation there and we'll be very disappointed if you don't show up. I mean, 80 SEK for a fantastic night like this is something even Bernie Madoff would invest your money in.
Here's a brand new track from Mr Tigers:
Bent - To be Loved (Mr B aka Fear of Tigers Remix)
Classic Van Cleef, incredibly not posted apart from the DW remix:
Edwin Van Cleef - I Want You
And here's some excellent Swedish music that have come to our attention via Gothenburg:
Mille - Crysteena
MySpace (you'll probably be hearing more about him soon)
Calis - Running Away
MySpace (Dödselectro's latest find)
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