As you probably know Daft Punk are currently working on the soundtrack to the upcoming "Tron Legacy" movie. Towards the end of last year a couple of tracks from the soundtrack supposedly leaked out on the internet which didn't exactly made people looking forward to the movie and its soundtrack any less. From the get-go they were surrounded by some uncertainty whether they were actually made by Daft Punk or not and it came as little surprise when they turned out to be fakes.
So if this whole thing has made you down-beat or you just need a Daft Punk fix, you might like these remixes by our buddy
Lebatman and German duo
Daft Punk - Technologic (Lebatman Rework)Daft Punk - Around the World (Overthrill Remix)Oh, and speaking of Overthrill,
Here We Are, the Spaniards with such an awesome
Dragonette remix, just remixed them!
Overthrill - Your Life (Here We Are Remix)
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