First up, I have to post one more Fear of Tigers track since this is currently my favourite track from an awesome album.
Fear of Tigers - I Can Make The Pain Disappear
As you know, we love ODahl. We hadn't posted this for some reason.
ODahl - Your Arms Around Me
We also love Paul who we wrote about in August. I hope someday we'll dj together.
Paul - Someday…Together! (Link fixed!)
Passion Pit are great, but Hey Champ are greater.
Passion Pit - Little Secrets (Hey Champ Remix)
I remember last spring it seemed Le Matos was about the only thing I listened to. Great that they're back with this remix of We Have Band.
We Have Band - Honey Trap (Le Matos Remix)
Justin Faust is coming to Sweden and Gothenburg on February 6. Hope he makes the trip up to Stockholm as well. Here's a remix of Nightriders.
Nightriders - Take My Hand (Justin Faust Deep Mix)
great post sir! that le matos is one i'll be looking out for!
Fear of Tigers => waw, great one!
Something wrong with the Paul song. It does not play and the download is a tiny couple hundred bit file. <3 Paul.
Thanks Lone for pointing that out. Link fixed. Glad you guys enjoyed the post!
recently found this remix of little secrets!!! better than the hey champ???
Looking through some old posts here...
Did you know that 'I Can Make The Pain Disappear' actually uses the lyrics from the song 'Magic' by Robin Thicke? Have a listen to it at hype machine: http://hypem.com/track/620118
Just a random thought of the day.
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